Philosophy and Astrophysics Theory
How the Universe Increases in Size
Two main processes
There are two main ways in which the Universe’s increase in size is considered: as a process of inpansion, and expansion. Both are based upon the idea that the Universe is all things. As such, it is singular in nature because what exists is a part of it. In this sense, and as it is used here, the term Universe should be considered as being very closely related to the term existence.
The first way in which the Universe increases in size, is by a process of inpansion which in rough terms could be considered as an inwards going expansion. I will explain. Due to the fact that the Universe is singular and all things it is self-orientated. In other words, any and all direction it has is towards itself as it is the only thing which it can have direction towards. As an extension of this theme it is considered to have centrewards orientation. In conjunction with this, all points of the Universe have a distance to the centre. This centrewards orientation and distance, represent the inwards range of the Universe. More generally considered, this is its size. As the Universe is singular and all things, it creates this size itself i.e. it is self-created and thereby creates its own size. This size is increased when a new centre is self-created inwardly ahead of the previous centre i.e. it is self-created within the area where the previous centre was. The additional size of the new centre, increases the size of the Universe. It does this by creating, as a part of itself, a new dimensional range i.e. a new inward range which is inside the previously existing inwards range and therefore increases it.
So whereas things are ordinarily considered to expand and increase in size around their edges, the theory of inpansion is that the additional size is created internally on the basis of a new self-created centre.
The theory of inpansion is directly linked to a theory about how the Universe expands, for the following reasons. The new self-created centre is the determining factor of the Universe’s dimensions. It does not just increase them but reorders them, in their entirety, in regard to itself. It does not have to conform to dimensions which existed prior to its self-creation but, moreover, reorders them around itself as it is created i.e. in a simultaneous manner. This reordering process of the Universe in regard to the self-creation of the new centre may be considered as form of expansion i.e. the repositioning and realignment of the Universe, and its inwards range, is determined by and based relatively to the new centre, and this process overall may be considered as a form of expansion. An alternative interpretation, is that when the self-creation of the new centre is considered in regard to the previous centre, and its respective position, and the size of the universe at that point, then the previous inward range of the Universe at that point would be considered as being positioned further out from what is now the centre. In that sense, it may be considered as a form of expansion.
All things in the Universe are affected by the process of reordering. For this reason, everything is always moving to a greater or lesser degree e.g. a person breaths, an object resonates etc. This means that they are adopting both a new position and a new alignment in regard to the Universe’s centre. And in the terms of this theory, being newly positioned by the self-creation of the new centre. That this process is ongoing, that a new centre is eternally self-created, is why things are always moving, and why the Universe is always getting bigger.
Diagrammatic representation
The cross symbol is the best symbol to represent direction and distance towards a unifying centre. I think that most people who try to represent the Universe’s increase in size via the creation of a new centre will experiment with different kinds of cross design and probably a good few different shapes and arrows. It is not possible for us to actually draw the process of inpansion by the self-creation of a new centre, as we cannot create new dimensions. However, in thematic terms, it can be suggested through pictures and diagrams. I think that the cross symbol and the many variations of it, do this well.
Cross examples: Greek +, Maltese, pattee, Cossack
That is it for this leaflet. For a related theory on how the eternal nature of time is due to a similar process of ongoing creation, which causes both continuity and change, I encourage you to read the book Time: Continuity by Creation.
“Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”
– George Herbert
Ricky Bennison
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Image: Oxford CoA (PD) Image credit (PD): C.D.
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